The Sweetest Bled Attraction

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Blog Published May 20, 2019
Edited May 3, 2024

If you’re lucky to find yourself in this enchanting place called Bled, then you absolutely must try this popular Bled creation. No, we’re not talking about the picturesque Bled island in the middle of a deep blue lake or the magnificent Bled castle perched upon the lake and its surroundings.

We’re talking about the famous Bled cream cake – Kremšnita. This cube of mouth-watering custard and whipped cream is the most famous cake in Slovenia. For more than 60 years this legendary dessert has been a must when visiting Bled, so let’s take a closer look at what all the fuss is about.

The magic seven
Bled cream cake was created in 1953 by Ištvan Lukačević, a chef of Park Hotel in Bled. It has a bottom of buttery pastry, a layer of light vanilla custard followed by a layer of airy whipped cream topped with a puff pastry with a generous amount of icing sugar on top.

The cake is cut into a square which is exactly seven centimeters long, wide and tall. Park Hotel still uses the same recipe and process, despite modern appliances that would make the job easier. The dough is still made by hand and folded seven times and the egg cream has to be boiled for seven minutes to make it just right.

14 million and counting
More than 14 million cakes have been sold to this day and some people still have fond memories of the cold winter in the seventies, when Lake Bled would freeze over. People from all over the country would flock to Bled to admire the magic winter wonderland and ice skate on the lake. Park Hotel sold up to 6000 cakes a day that winter, which is a record number up to this day.

Not just a pretty face
There are lots of culinary delights to discover in Bled if you decide to do so. Nobody would blame you for being blinded by such beauty and almost forgetting about its other offerings, such as delicious local food. So why not explore traditional Slovenian cuisine with Food Tour Bled in authentic Slovenian restaurants, while enjoying the magnificent views of this charming place.

The perfect way to round the day in Bled is to indulge yourself and try the famous Bled dessert – Kremšnita in a breathtaking surrounding. Who says you can’t have your cake and eat it?

Tina Koren

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